Physical Therapy

Physical Therapy

Physical therapy is one of the best ways to recover after an injury or surgery or avoid future injuries through training and strengthening. If you want or need to experience professional physical therapy in Philadelphia, PA, turn to Advanced Physical Therapy. We’ll help you recover and heal so that you can enjoy a pain-free life.

Telehealth Physical Therapy

Advanced Physical Therapy now offers a Telehealth option for patient treatment. A physical therapist is available to provide phone calls, video calls, and emails in order to provide care involving stretching, exercise, patient education and home exercise programs. 

Our Comprehensive Therapy Services

Our professional team is proud to offer a wide range of physical therapy services to help you recover from all different kinds of injuries. Our services include:

  • Manual therapy: This is a hands-on therapy where one of our practitioners uses their hands to stretch and manipulate your joints and soft tissue. This can help with range of motion, muscle spasms, muscle tension, and joint dysfunction.
  • Exercise therapy: This is a therapy tailored to rebuild muscles and improve their function. It includes exercises to improve flexibility, strength, range of motion, nerve mobility, and balance.
  • Geriatric therapy: This therapy helps geriatric patients maintain a high quality of life. It has exercises and activities to improve strength, range of motion, balance, posture, gait, and endurance. Plus, we focus on fall prevention as well.
  • Post-surgical therapy: This therapy helps you heal and recover strength after surgery. Our custom therapy will help you reach full functionality again.
  • Aquatic therapy: This therapy is great for those who struggle with weight-bearing exercises. The buoyancy of the water helps minimize pain and discomfort while also providing helpful workouts. Our water tanks have a treadmill aimed at improving patients’ gait patterns and endurance.

Besides these more traditional methods of therapy, we also offer cupping therapy, massage therapy, IASTM, and chronic pain therapy. No matter what annoying pains or lingering discomforts your body may have, we can help.

Our team has years of experience in the physical therapy field, and we’re dedicated to helping you restore movement, reduce or eliminate pain, and get back to your normal life. Call us today at (215) 742-8099 to set up an appointment.

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